Dominio |
Prestaciones ofrecidas |
Perfil de nuestros agentes |
Puesto del Utilizador |
ROI/TCO Analysis
Support to CIOs on the Strategy
On-site Prototyping
Writing of Specifications / Tenders
Definition of application and technical architectures
Monitoring of integrators' technical compliance
Performance and maintainability auditing
Technical Experts
Project leaders
Portal de Empresa |
Feasibility study (according to contracting owners' needs
Ergonomics, authorizations, profiles etc. ..)
On-site / Off-site Prototyping
Writing of Specifications / Tenders
Definition of application and technical architecture
Project leadership
Technical leadership
Project leaders
Technical experts JSR168, 268
Systems engineers (AD, ITIM, LDAP etc..)
Software solutions experts (Liferay, Sharepoint, Oracle Portal, Websphere Portal etc..)
Bus de intercambio (ESB / BPM) |
Comparative TCO Analysis
On-site Prototyping
Writing of Specifications / Tenders
Definition of technical architecture
ESB Designing
Technical leadership
Performance and maintainability auditing
Software solutions experts (Tibco, BizTalk etc..)
Project leaders
Urbanización técnica |
Support to CIOs on the Strategy
Definition of technical architectures
Infrastructures designing
Technical leadership
Performance and maintainability auditing
Systems engineers (Microsoft, Linux etc..)
Software solutions experts (Citrix, Vmware etc..)
Project leaders
Industrialización (Edición y Transición) |
Comparative study of solutions (according to the existing solution and to technical affinities)
Audit/verification of best practices in terms of industrialization
Audit/verification of the sustainability of base applications
Analysis of impacts (organization, methods, tools) before implementation
Implementation of a software Factory
Implementation of base applications (Execution Framework)
Implementation of Code generators
Technical leadership
Continuous integration Experts
Software Solution Experts (Maven, Rational, TFS, TeamCity etc..)
Base applications Architects
MDE Experts (*)
Project leaders
Seguridad |
Support to CIOs on security policy
Definition of BCP architectures (Business continuity planning)
Audit of network security
Audit of application servers
Audit of application code
Improvement of network security (firewall, Vlan, penetration tests, cryptography)
Improvement of application servers
Improvement of application code and authentification (PKI, SecurId, etc.)
Technical leadership
Experts Solutions ReverseProxy (DenyAll, Big-IP, etc..)
Experts Solutions de certifications (Kerberos etc..)
Experts Serveurs Applicatifs (JEE, .Net etc..)
Ingenieurs systemes (AD, ITIM, LDAP etc..)
DBA (Oracle, MySQl etc..)
Ingenieurs réseaux